One element in the Solidilin™ structure has shown in countless animal researches to increase sexual motivation.
In one research conducted by the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences (University of Science Malaysia) findings showed an impressive improvement in the sexual performance of middle-aged rats.
The ingredient also contains L-Dopa, the precursor of dopamine, which is the pleasure-related neurotransmitter of the brain.
Cassia and Safflower are well-known vasodilators, which means they stimulate the blood vessels in order to ensure the better blood flow.
In simpler words, they can improve blood circulation to your penis, stimulating an erection to occur.
This stretching of the vascular elements associated with your penis decreases blood outflow, which influences the length of your erection.
Additionally, safflower comes with the omega-3 fatty acids that can have a strong reduction influence on the possibility of heart diseases.
This is a powerful ally to those with diabetes and indigestion issues, Momordica has also been proven to decrease body fat while increasing body testosterone on the other side.
It’s an unparalleled source of Vitamin C and in researches with rats, it has been proven to stimulate the process of antispermatogenesis, acting as a natural contraception solution.
In addition, Chinese scientists have discovered that it includes proteins which show promise in fighting against the HIV activity.
Apigenin is a citrus bioflavonoid applied primarily for cancer prevention and treatment. Amla is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C.
Bioflavonoids, including the apigenin, are believed to work hand in hand with Vitamin C for ensuring of blood vessel health.
This “team work” contributes to your sexual organs health and proper functioning over longer time periods.
Applied mainly in cardiovascular health, Arjuna is an invaluable element of a healthy sex lifestyle.
It regulates both blood pressure and your heart rate, this herb calms down your body, which can be an extremely beneficial element during sex.
This ingredient can improve testosterone production, while contributing tremendously to your performance efforts.
In a research on mice using Cordyceps, plasma testosterone quantities were significantly improved in both 3-day and 7-day experiments.
Testosterone is directly associated with the development and improvement of libido in males.
Zinc helps sperm mobility and quality.
It is also extremely important for the metabolism of testosterone. Zinc, as the zinc oxide, is better tolerated than other forms.
Discovered in the South-East of India, curculigo is a harmless and natural aphrodisiac applied in traditional Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine.
It has been believed by some to be a natural alternative to Viagra.
Works as a full system tonic, Shatavari has also been used to help men facing sexual debility and impotence issues.
In addition, it can have a relaxing influence on the body, regulating body weight, reducing nervousness and ensuring healthy sleep.
A powerful herbal formula that contributes to nitric oxide release, which may extend erections with the help of coronary vasodilation.
Nitric oxide calms down the vascular smooth muscle through parasympathetic stimulants, which ensures blood circulation to your penis and achieving erection quickly.
Drilizen™ includes a protein amino acid, which act as the precursor to nitric oxide in the organism. Drilizen improves testosterone delivery, it also includes an active element known as protodioscin.
Protodioscin stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone (better known as interstitial cell-stimulating hormone). This hormone on the other hand improves the release of testosterone from the Leydig (interstitial) cells in your testes.
A kind of seaweed discovered on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, Bladderwrack is believed to contribute to thyroid health and in situations associated with higher cholesterol, arteriosclerosis, obesity, and exhaustion.
A healthy thyroid system contributes to the metabolism by making it to be more efficient and effective. On the other side, proper metabolism is an invaluable part of both erection and sexual improvement.